Contact The UPL

Interested in advertising? Have feedback?

The Universal Packing List is one of the oldest web sites still on the internet today. We were helping travelers in 1996 - back more than a year before google was registered. There were around 250,000 domains on the web when we went from a stand-alone software program to a web based tool.

We've built up a lot of trust over the years - in the eyes of consumers and search engines. We want to continue to provide valuable services to our users - including those of partners we can't provider on our own. If you'd like to discuss advertising or guest posting on our site, please fill out the following form with a brief overview of who you are and how you'd like to work with us. We'll get back to you shortly - usually within 48 hours.

We also love feedback from our users. Let us know what you think of the new design - and if there are any bugs please tell us that too!